S.A.R.E (South African Recycling Equipment PTY LTD) is a 100% BBBEE company that has been supplying a range of recycling and mechanical equipment to the recycling industry since 2007. The company has elected to only distribute from companies that are in the global best breed of manufacturers that have a solid international footprint excelling in affordability, quality, and service. Our suppliers, of which we are agents, have proven robust products with reliability in the Southern Africa region for many years.
We cater to the varying needs of the Cable, Plastics, Paper, Glass, Tyres, Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Alloys sectors. Our service ranges from individual client specification to commissioning and testing for small and large-scale implementations. Maintenance and warranty matters are addressed by a team of trained staff who provide national maintenance under strict agency agreements with our respective suppliers.
We have also partnered with a local company to provide specifically engineered equipment for exploratory purposes, e.g., light metal (sub-grade) shredding and pressurised can shredding etc. These machines are manufactured on request. We supply Balers – Shredders – Granulators – Extruders – Pulverisers and plant machinery. Our service offering also extends to the food waste where we have waste food drying machinery to eliminate unwanted odours in the hospitality and retail sectors.